Borland Bde 5202 Download

We have a customer who needs to run our CB3 application on 64 bit Vista. We're under a time deadline because if we can't do this quickly, his time to return the computer will run out.

The no longer exists.Use the above link instead. Borland's BDE download page. Another good resource is Borland's BDE Utilities.

Our current build fails completely because we're using the old InstallShield that came with CB3 which is apparently 16 bit. We're trying to build a new installation for the old program using the InstallAware that came with CB2007. We can figure out easily enough how to set it up to get our stuff installed but we're less confident about getting the BDE installed and we don't have a 64 bit machine to test on. InstallAware lacks the 'install the BDE' option that the old InstallShield had so we're going to have to do it by hand.

I don't think we can even use Borland's 'BDE stub' because that probably also contains InstallShield stuff that will fail on 64 bit. Has anyone been down this road? What files do I need to copy where? Will I need to make any registry entries or can I avoid that with configuration files? I know that even on 32bit Vista I need to check the option box about Win3.1 to force the use of the cfg file instead of registry keys. We'll try having the installation program set that one key.

I'm hoping that with that set we can just copy files and let our program take it from there without help from the BDE Administrator. Cook Bill Todd [TeamB] 17/6/2008, 15:15 น. Thanks, Bill. I've had that article of yours bookmarked for a long time and I sent my programmer home with a copy to read tonight. If no one comes along tonight who has actually done this, we'll see if we can get the installation program to create the keys from your CreateKeys method. We probably don't need to use ini files though.

We'll just point the keys to the locations the installer copied the files. However, I don't see a list of the files that need to be copied in your article. Is it going to be the same set of files that a clean installation puts into Program Files Common Files Borland BDE? Cook Bill Todd [TeamB] 17/6/2008, 18:03 น. Proficy machine edition 7 serial killers InstallAware did run on Vista 64 although we're having some difficulty getting it to put the files where we asked it to.

Not sure yet if that was our error or Vista protecting Program Files tree. Because time is short, our next step will be to attempt to simply copy the BDE files in manually without using an install program, and then to create the Registry entries manually. That should let us know if the BDE runs in this environment. If we get over that hurdle, we can also copy our application files from another computer at the site and see if our stuff works. We think it should if the BDE is working properly underneath our stuff. And if we get over both hurdles, we can return to automating the process using InstallAware.