Ustanovlennij Steam V Arhive

The steam temperature is controlled by the firing rate, and is augmented in some units by injecting superheating water between the superheat stages. A once through steam generator requires a more precise balance of Inputs and outputs than drum type boilers because of the lack of the flywheel effect of a boiler drum.

The whole point of achivements is to achieve something. There is literally no point in using the SAM for this reason and people would still be able to tell that you hacked them. So many people have laughably walked into VAC bans this way. If VAC doesn't detect them because you did them on a unprotected server; all it would take is for 1 user to report someone and Steam will ban them manually.

There is no escape from SAM in the long run whether it be automated VAC or a manual Valve ban = same outcome at the end of the day. You'll have your achievements but you wont be able to play the game again so what's the point? Originally posted by:The whole point of achivements is to achieve something. There is literally no point in using the SAM for this reason and people would still be able to tell that you hacked them.

So many people have laughably walked into VAC bans this way. If VAC doesn't detect them because you did them on a unprotected server; all it would take is for 1 user to report someone and Steam will ban them manually. There is no escape from SAM in the long run whether it be automated VAC or a manual Valve ban = same outcome at the end of the day.

You'll have your achievements but you wont be able to play the game again so what's the point? Do people really care about stranger if they done this? Wow thats weird, i've see alot and alot people with unobtainable achivement for example the one on L4D2 2011 event achivement, nope i dont have time to care or report.


If people does that, they sure got problems.and seems like you are the one who does report stranger. Originally posted by:The whole point of achivements is to achieve something.

There is literally no point in using the SAM for this reason and people would still be able to tell that you hacked them. So many people have laughably walked into VAC bans this way. If VAC doesn't detect them because you did them on a unprotected server; all it would take is for 1 user to report someone and Steam will ban them manually. There is no escape from SAM in the long run whether it be automated VAC or a manual Valve ban = same outcome at the end of the day. You'll have your achievements but you wont be able to play the game again so what's the point? Do people really care about stranger if they done this? Wow thats weird, i've see alot and alot people with unobtainable achivement for example the one on L4D2 2011 event achivement, nope i dont have time to care or report.

If people does that, they sure got problems.and seems like you are the one who does report stranger. If people are cheating; people reserve the right to report them especially if VAC has not detected them for whatever reason. It keeps the community clean and dishonest players away from games. I rarely report people but when I do; I have legitimate cause to do so. Blank posescheniya uroka psihologom.