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The general overseer of Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, Apostle Johnson Suleman, a renowned philanthropist, who regularly touches lives in positive ways, in this interview, shares his messages of hope to the nation and passionate opinions on the way forward. Excerpts You are from a Muslim background. How do you see Islam now that you are a Christian giant?


It is true that am from a Muslim background, but thank God for His Grace that brings Salvation to mankind that saved my soul. The God that saved me from such background is still interested in saving others in the islamic Religion to Christianity because Jesus is the only Way out of hell and the only way to eternity in Heaven. You once said that God did not choose the present government but Nigerians did. Do you foresee a repeat of this in 2019?

Gods servant apostle johnson Suleman's latest books are now available at any omega fire ministry branch nearest to you.papa officially released four spiritual.

Human being as it were naturally suppose to learn always from past errors and mistakes of those who have gone ahead, and there is no way we can learn for betterment of our nation without involving God the governor of nations. History can always repeat itself negatively or positively depending on the choice made by men and women involved.

If we don’t want negative history to repeat itself, we must see the way God sees and begin to call on His name for His will to be revealed in Nigeria as a whole. What would be your submission if approached by the federal government for contributions? Naturally or supernaturally, the way of God is never the way of men. And you know what? The problem Nigeria has today is as a refusal of the nation leadership to hearken to the voice of God. Nigeria should have been a super nation today if our leaders heed wise counsels.

In fact, many of them prefer Satan to God who will make all things alright for the nation. That is where we are today. Descargar idioma espanol corel draw x7 free.

Well, If approached by Federal Government for contributions, we will contribute as the Lord leads but are the people willing to go on God’s term? What has God told you about the future of Nigeria and what direction should Nigerians focus on?

Nigeria as a great nation has great future. But the emancipation of Nigeria greatness depends on the proper harnessing of the long time and short time planning ahead. We have two sides of future to focus on. Spiritual and economic side. And as you know that the spiritual controls the physical. In whatever or everything we would do, God should be number one. Fear of God should rule the hearts of our leader.

Concerning the economic aspect, We have enough natural resources to work with ranging from Land to the liquid and to the solid minerals of different kinds which will increase our production and our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if they are properly planned by experts without corruption, Nigeria will be one of the best nations on earth. What are your thoughts on the President Buhari’s fight against corruption in Nigeria We all know that one of the Nigeria’s major problems is corruption. President Buhari started the fight against corruption in a good way but along the line some mistakes have been made. And these have turned the good fight against corruption to be corruption itself.

So far, the fight has been one sided fight but if the President can realign and refocus the fight properly, it will yield more positive results. Your humanitarian services are awesome, what is your driving force? Giving to the needy especially those in the Household of faith is scripturally commanded.

This is also an act of giving to God. The early Apostles/Christians have things in common in the Bible, they did not lack and that is one of my driving forces. That we give does not mean that we have too much to waste but it’s commanded.

Please, share one secret that you feel no one has known about you as pastor, father and husband so others can be inspired. There are no secrets at all hidden from men about me as a pastor, a father and husband. Every man’s secrets are in his books written, a man’s books are his lifestyles.

I have published over forty books, and if l have any secrets at all that are not known, they are there. Get them and read the messages i have preached. Why do some men of God fail in the mission and can this be prevented? Everybody in life fails for several reasons best known to them where their weaknesses dwell.

In ministry, pastors fail for different reasons also such as, lack of focus and improper planning, lack of understanding of the mission they are called into, digression from the truth, absence of God in the call. Demonic manipulations etc. In every problem or life failure can be prevented if they are discovered early and right steps are taken towards the problems. Why are prophecies delayed and why are some not even coming to fulfilment? Prophecies are call to prayer. When God speaks, many things are involved in it and the devil also hears the prophecies and he will fight the fulfilments because he knows that every fulfilled prophecies are for the downfall of his evil agenda. Prophecies fulfilment require dual responsibility in the sense that God has His roles to play and the person the prophecy is given has his or her roles to play.